Ticket Fare:

40 yuan/person

Group ticket:

20 yuan/person Tel: 0398--2955760

This display hall, covering an approximate area of 300 square meters, gives an introduction of the origin, the capital, the territory and the ancestry of the State of Guo, as well as the excavation of the burial ground with pictures, sand table, frescoes, artistic design.

The Guo State was a vassal state surnamed Ji in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, whose founding king was the younger brother of the Emperor Zhou Wen and the uncle of the Emperor Zhou Wu. Most kings of the Guo State were high officials of Zhou Dynasty.They assisted the King of the Zhou Dynasty in military expeditions and strategic decision-makings. Therefore, they exerted tremendous influence on the rising, developing and declining of the Zhou Dynasty. The Guo State was wiped out by the Jin Vassal State in 655 B.C, which was recorded in the famous literary quotations of “Borrowing a road of the Yu Vassal State to wipe out the Guo Vassal State” and “If the lips are gone, the teeth will be in danger ”.

The original place of the Guo State was in Baoji. Later it was moved to Shan County, covering an area a bit larger than today's Sanmenxia city. ShangYang as its capital was in today’s Lijiayao village in the urban district of Sanmenxia and the aristocratic burial ground was in today's Shangcunling which is also in the urban district of Sanmenxia. It is a well-preserved cemetery of the Guo Vassal State from the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the early ChunQiu period with large scale, complete ranks and orderly arrangement. Its discovery and excavation started the prelude to the mystery of the ancient State of Guo 3000 years ago .

Address: six North Road, Sanmenxia City, Henan, China
tel:0398-2955760 2955688-8008 E-mail:guo-state@371.net